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Date Night

 Sorry for being distant. I've had too much going on with my legal situation and its left me feeling exhausted. If it makes you feel better, I wrote a post and then internet explorer closed on me. Ugh, I just cannot get used to Google Chrome. So, let me entertain all of you with my date night last week......
     Before house arrest, I was NEVER home. I hope the capitalization can emphasis how much I was not home. I would spend majority of my time at one of my two jobs or at the university I was attending. If I was not working or studying, I would be shopping, dining, or partying. I would go out to lunch with friends or by myself. Yes, I was that girl that said "Party on one!".
     These days I cannot wine and dine like I used to. Actually, I can no longer do either. What I can do is order take out or delivery and kick back with some Netflix. Who wants to get dressed up and go out to eat anyways? Yeah........ I still do! But, I can't so I have to work with what I've got.
I was craving some delicious Pizza Hut (it was a bad week). I placed an order online around 5:30PM and was told my estimated delivery time would be 6:48PM. I hadn't eaten all day long and was really looking forward to my tasty treat. I checked the clock and it was 7:00PM, I started wondering where the pizza guy was, but I figured he was around the corner. At 7:20PM I decided to call Pizza Hut and inform them that my pizza had yet to be delivered. The guy on the other end of the phone sounded like a careless young kid. He didn't seem to worried about my pizza and told me "He left a while ago, it should be there any minute.......we're short on drivers".
     I live 10 blocks from the local Pizza Hut, so it shouldn't be much longer (or so I thought). At 7:55PM I heard a knock at the door and I jumped off the couch. I opened the door, grabbed my pizza, and informed the guy how late he was. His eyes were completely bloodshot and he looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and said "Me no speak-a English!". I was annoyed, but oh well. I'll eat my pizza and it will be so delicious that I will forget all about the wait. Another surprise---- I open up my pizza box and it was cold! I eat everything warm, so if I think something is cold, its cold. Everything in my order was cold and I just felt so mad.
     I called Pizza Hut, asked to speak to a manager, and was told she wasn't available. The lady on the phone gave me a $10 off my next order, but my meal had been $30 and, well.... it sucked! I ordered this meal out of convenience, and it had been anything but covenant. I released my frustration in an online survey and was contacted two days later. I received a $20 off my next order and was told the delivery guy was "really high" and messed up the orders. I knew it! I've never been one to complain about service, but this really ticked me off. If I wasn't on house arrest, I could have just picked up my own order or went out to eat, but I am so I couldn't.
     May have been a boring story, but this is the most exciting thing that has happened to me lately. Sorry, I am on house arrest, things do not get too interesting around here. Do you think I was out of line for complaining? I hate to be a pain, but my "date night" with my Chihuahua was ruined! Eating unhealthy is okay when it tastes better, but when it tastes like garbage, the calories aren't even worth it. I would have been better off with grilled chicken!



"Your most unhappiest customers are your greatest sources of learning" - Bill Gates


  1. Can you give me some advice please? I am in Florida too. I have a choice between Visual Alcohol Monitoring and the SCRAM bracelet. The main thing is my job cannot find out and with VAM you get a text 4 times a day and have to leave what you are doing (i.e. a meeting) and immediately go blow into a device. So I was considering SCRAM because you just wear it and go about your business. But now I hear it makes a noise? How loud is it? Can you camouflage it by wrapping an ace bandage around it? Also does it give you a rash?

  2. Great I'm in so cal and about to go on scram so I'm assuming you were or are on it?! How long did you have to wear it?!

  3. Allison~ I haven't seen a recent post in a bit I hope all is well!!!


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