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Welcome Back To The Free World!

Hello everyone! My, is it good to be back or what? Now please allow me to explain my sudden disappearance. I was not giving up or ignoring my blog in any way. Unfortunately, back in 2013 I was scheduled for a Sentencing Hearing. At the hearing I signed away my life! Literally! I plead guilty and accepted FOUR years in a state correctional facility. Fortunately, I survived that awful experience and I have been released into society. This time I am on "Community Control". Pretty much "House Arrest", but------NO ANKLE MONITORS! Thank the good Lord! My original blog was designed to educate and encourage those experiencing similar experiences. I plan to continue that, but now I have even more information----this time about P R I S O N! I will focus on Strength, Struggle, and even a little bit of Style. 

It is only by the grace of God that I even made it out alive. "Orange is the new black" is a great show, but prison is seriously no joke. It is a world of it's own and a place without any escape. It is a place where you are constantly surrounded by others, yet feel completely alone. The word "privacy" does not exist. You are completely stripped of everything except your dignity and values, and even those are often lost. You sink or swim and it is completely up to you

I have seen and endured some of the worst in my life, but I have also experienced some of the best times in such a horrific place. I learned the true meaning of "humble" and how to really empathize with others. I met some of the greatest people I have ever known. I found Jesus Christ and today have an amazing relationship with him. Most importantly, I learned that sometimes God puts you in the dark, so you can be the light!

Now that I am released everything is NOT rainbows and butterflies. The struggles continue to bear their ugly heads and I continue to hit my knees. I am still under supervision and will be for a very long time, but that is okay. I am thankful that the worst is behind me. Follow me as I rebuild my life one step at a time. Maybe my story can be used to encourage some of you to keep pushing when you feel you cannot continue. I refuse to pretend like I have everything together and my life is perfect. It's not and you know what? That is OKAY. It is okay to not be where you expected to be. It is okay to not be as far as you should be. What matters is that you are further than YOU were yesterday. Not than the person you follow on instagram or your good friend, but further than your old self. This is a blog about authenticity. My experience is real. My struggle is real. My strength is real.



"Always move forward, if you find yourself unable to stand - crawl."


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