Hello, Hello, Hello!
So, returning to this blog has really sparked some ideas in my head. I am considering moving to my own site. You know, a blog that ends in .com and not blogspot.com haha! It all depends on how well this thing even does. To be honest, when I returned home and dug up this old blog, I was SHOCKED to see all of the traffic it received. I could not believe people had actually posted comments. The reason behind the blog was not only to release my frustrations in a positive way, but it was a way to help others who might be facing a similar situation or know someone who was. When I found myself facing criminal charges I was experiencing so many different emotions. I had no one to truly turn to. There was no one who could relate to me or offer any advice. I did not know ANYONE who could relate to me in any way. None of my friends had ever been arrested. They knew nothing about obtaining legal representation, bond information, probation/house arrest, what to expect in prison, or anything of that nature.
I spent 7 months on "Pre-trial House Arrest". I was forced to wear a GPS ankle monitor on one ankle and a SCRAM bracelet on the other. For those of you who are not familiar with SCRAM, it is an alcohol monitoring bracelet. It is pressed up around your ankle and take an "alcohol reading" through your sweat every 30 minutes. I was court mandated to attend Alcoholics Anonymous 3 times a week. I knew I was going to prison. I wasn't sure for how long or even when, but I knew it was in my near future. So, how was I going to prepare myself? My entire life I have been a planner. I appreciate structure, organization, and to pretty much know what the hell is going on! Why would prison for me be any different?
I spent those months watching EVERY Netflix documentary on "Prison" that they had. Now mind you, this was before prison was an interest, so there were only a few. "Orange is the new black" had just started season one. Like I said, it was before people had any interest in "Prison". I binge watched the entire first season and took many mental notes. "Do not accept anything from anyone! Nothing is FREE!". I will go more into detail with that in the future. I learned maxi pads are "multi-use". I also learned that going into prison as someone very similar to Piper, I was going to automatically be labeled as weak, preppy, and a pushover. That was not the image I wanted for the next however many years of my life. I wanted to come out of this thing alive, didn't I? I already knew everyone was expecting me to fail. Deep down something inside of me told me that I wouldn't. I was going conquer this place that was meant to defeat me. It's funny because society makes it sound like we are sent to these "correctional facilities" to be just that----corrected. That way we can return to society and be law abiding citizens. That's not the case. It is a punishment. They provide a lot of BS programs that make it appear as if they have offered counseling and educational/vocational courses that will lower the percentages of re-offenders. It is all just fancy propaganda and that is all I'm going to say about that----for now.
I am pretty much trying to give all of you an inside on what it is like to be a part of the system. What it is like to be looked at as a number rather than a name, an "inmate" rather than a human being. As I mentioned earlier, I have had some of my worst/best times being incarcerated. I am now a part of the "free world" and am still experiencing daily roadblocks. Prison was no cake walk, and neither is this Community Control thing. I may not have to ask when to use the bathroom or when to walk out the door, but I still need permission to leave my house. Some days are pretty tough and others are viewed as nothing less than a gift from God (which everyday is). I just hope someone out there gets something out of this. I pray this helps one of you out there who felt just as lost as I once did. Oh, and I am not saying I am entirely found. I am still making my way through the dark, but I now have a lamp to my feet.
If you have any specific questions or any topic ideas please email me at allisonsankles@gmail.com or you can write me a comment below. Everything is anonymous and I will respect your name and information.
"You're not a victim for sharing your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth, and raging courage"- Alex Elle
So, returning to this blog has really sparked some ideas in my head. I am considering moving to my own site. You know, a blog that ends in .com and not blogspot.com haha! It all depends on how well this thing even does. To be honest, when I returned home and dug up this old blog, I was SHOCKED to see all of the traffic it received. I could not believe people had actually posted comments. The reason behind the blog was not only to release my frustrations in a positive way, but it was a way to help others who might be facing a similar situation or know someone who was. When I found myself facing criminal charges I was experiencing so many different emotions. I had no one to truly turn to. There was no one who could relate to me or offer any advice. I did not know ANYONE who could relate to me in any way. None of my friends had ever been arrested. They knew nothing about obtaining legal representation, bond information, probation/house arrest, what to expect in prison, or anything of that nature.
I spent 7 months on "Pre-trial House Arrest". I was forced to wear a GPS ankle monitor on one ankle and a SCRAM bracelet on the other. For those of you who are not familiar with SCRAM, it is an alcohol monitoring bracelet. It is pressed up around your ankle and take an "alcohol reading" through your sweat every 30 minutes. I was court mandated to attend Alcoholics Anonymous 3 times a week. I knew I was going to prison. I wasn't sure for how long or even when, but I knew it was in my near future. So, how was I going to prepare myself? My entire life I have been a planner. I appreciate structure, organization, and to pretty much know what the hell is going on! Why would prison for me be any different?
I spent those months watching EVERY Netflix documentary on "Prison" that they had. Now mind you, this was before prison was an interest, so there were only a few. "Orange is the new black" had just started season one. Like I said, it was before people had any interest in "Prison". I binge watched the entire first season and took many mental notes. "Do not accept anything from anyone! Nothing is FREE!". I will go more into detail with that in the future. I learned maxi pads are "multi-use". I also learned that going into prison as someone very similar to Piper, I was going to automatically be labeled as weak, preppy, and a pushover. That was not the image I wanted for the next however many years of my life. I wanted to come out of this thing alive, didn't I? I already knew everyone was expecting me to fail. Deep down something inside of me told me that I wouldn't. I was going conquer this place that was meant to defeat me. It's funny because society makes it sound like we are sent to these "correctional facilities" to be just that----corrected. That way we can return to society and be law abiding citizens. That's not the case. It is a punishment. They provide a lot of BS programs that make it appear as if they have offered counseling and educational/vocational courses that will lower the percentages of re-offenders. It is all just fancy propaganda and that is all I'm going to say about that----for now.
I am pretty much trying to give all of you an inside on what it is like to be a part of the system. What it is like to be looked at as a number rather than a name, an "inmate" rather than a human being. As I mentioned earlier, I have had some of my worst/best times being incarcerated. I am now a part of the "free world" and am still experiencing daily roadblocks. Prison was no cake walk, and neither is this Community Control thing. I may not have to ask when to use the bathroom or when to walk out the door, but I still need permission to leave my house. Some days are pretty tough and others are viewed as nothing less than a gift from God (which everyday is). I just hope someone out there gets something out of this. I pray this helps one of you out there who felt just as lost as I once did. Oh, and I am not saying I am entirely found. I am still making my way through the dark, but I now have a lamp to my feet.
If you have any specific questions or any topic ideas please email me at allisonsankles@gmail.com or you can write me a comment below. Everything is anonymous and I will respect your name and information.
"You're not a victim for sharing your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth, and raging courage"- Alex Elle
Glad your back! You should write a book like Piper did. Very well read, great job Allison😀
Thank you so much for the support Mark! If the blog goes well a book might be in the making :)